premiere: 24 July 2019 | Certamen Internacional de Coreografia Burgos y Nueva York, Spain
dancers: Brian Scalini & Camilla Bizzi
lenght: 11 min (short version: 9.40 min)
music: Sketch VI_II - Black Elk | .og lengra - Olafur Arnalds | Scappa - Alessandro Cortini
premiere: 24 July 2019 | Certamen Internacional de Coreografia Burgos y Nueva York, Spain
dancers: Brian Scalini & Camilla Bizzi
lenght: 11 min (short version: 9.40 min)
music: Sketch VI_II - Black Elk | .og lengra - Olafur Arnalds | Scappa - Alessandro Cortini
premiere: 24 July 2019 | Certamen Internacional de Coreografia Burgos y Nueva York, Spain
dancers: Brian Scalini & Camilla Bizzi
lenght: 11 min (short version: 9.40 min)
music: Sketch VI_II - Black Elk | .og lengra - Olafur Arnalds | Scappa - Alessandro Cortini
premiere: 24 July 2019 | Certamen Internacional de Coreografia Burgos y Nueva York, Spain
dancers: Brian Scalini & Camilla Bizzi
lenght: 11 min (short version: 9.40 min)
music: Sketch VI_II - Black Elk | .og lengra - Olafur Arnalds | Scappa - Alessandro Cortini

idea, stage & performance
Mèlanie Bauer
Anne Juttner
Brian Scalini
with the support of
Palucca University of Dance Dresden
Technische Universitat Dresden
Hellerau - European Centre for the Arts
Freistaat Sachsen
What role does movement play in the perception of architecture and space? And how does the perception of space translate into the conception of movement patterns that shape and constitute our togetherness?
Dis-cover is the result of a thinking process developed from the idea of society expanding and adapting inside limited spaces. A fictive microcosmo in which social and physical interactions among people evolve and shape according to the possibilities of the surrounding.
Inside of the boxing ring installation “9841” by BEWEGUNG NURR, cold and artificial modules are facing warm and organic bodies. Dive into the atmosphere of contrast through a game of scales and change of perspective.